Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 

Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (or MiCBT)is an evidence-based therapy approach that integrates mindfulness training (in the Vipassana tradition) with core methods of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) to address a broad range of psychological disorders, stress conditions, and pain symptoms. 

While CBT attempts to change maladaptive behaviour by modifying people’s unrealistic thoughts and beliefs, MiCBT helps people learn to develop control over the processes that maintain the unrealistic thoughts and beliefs, through mindfulness training. Therefore, MiCBT helps change the process of thinking, not just the content of our thoughts. This is achieved through a commitment to a daily mindfulness practice. 

MiCBT is composed of four stages. We begin by developing insight into internal experiences and skills to manage thoughts and emotions. As we progress along the subsequent stages, attention is increasingly externalized toward others, and mindfulness skills are invested into cultivating a more fulfilling way of relating to the world. The program generally requires about ten sessions, but the pace can be slowed when needed, and the program can be flexibly extended to further sessions as long as necessary. Sessions are best held weekly or fortnightly for optimum progress. 

Please book a complimentary phone session with Marni before booking. She will be happy to answer any questions.
